Posts Tagged ‘Marc Webb’


2 New Screenshots from The Amazing Spider-Man

July 21, 2011

The annual San Diego Comic Con is a massive 4-day convention for all things comic and graphic novel related and it begins TODAY!

You know what that means! A huge amount of great stuff being unveiled and released about all the upcoming movies including Marc Webb’s upcoming reboot, The Amazing Spider-Man that’s set to be released on July 3rd, 2012! We’ll start off comic-con with a couple new screenshots from the film of Spidey! We finally get our first look at a classically posed Spider-Man and a full look at the suit in all its superhero glory!

I look forward to seeing much more from this movie in these upcoming days! If you haven’t gotten a chance to check out the new trailer, officially released today! Check it out HERE!


[NEW] Teaser Trailer: The Amazing Spider-man

July 20, 2011

Our first teaser from Marc Webb’s upcoming reboot, The Amazing Spider-Man!

We finally have our first glimpse of what the Spider-man reboot will look like! The 500 Days of Summer director has decided to go with yet another origin story, so we can again expect the spiderbite and Peter Parker’s discovery of his newly acquired abilities. It’ll definitely be a little disappointing to some considering the fresh take that Matthew Vaughn (Layer Cake) went with his own comic book reboot, X-Men: First Class, however I’m sure the hype around this movie will blow up with more details and trailers released. It’ll certainly be a nice addition to my movie collection, that’s for sure!

The Amazing Spider-Man: Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) in new Spidey Suit

The Amazing Spider-Man will star one of my all time favourite talents, Andrew Garfield (The Social Network) who will be playing young Peter Parker and will vie for the attention of Gwen Stacy played by a blonde Emma Stone (Zombieland). The film will also feature appearances by Rhys Ifans (The Boat that Rocked) who will play Dr. Curt Connors as well as Denis Leary (Rescue Me).

The Amazing Spider-Man is set to come out July 3rd, 2012. Will this reboot be good enough to revive the series or will we be asking for another reboot?